Sunday, November 23, 2008

Cupcake kids

I'm sure everyone by now knows about but if you are still out of the loop make sure you check it out. Its a site where crafty inclined people can sell there items. Basically a marketplace where you can find alot of handmade items. Today I decided to take a look on there and find some great kids items. Here they are!

These are felt tea party desserts made by gingerblossoms. I would have loved to play with these when I was little.

This super cute knitted hat is made by NinisHandmades.

This is a cute ruffle onesie made by PregnancyJournals.

Adorable felted booties made by prettylittle.

This is jumper dress made by vanessaandcompany.

Beautiful barrette made by gmjj4.

Another cute onesie, this one is made by smallthreads.