Saturday, March 7, 2009

Pink Cake

Well as cute as this cake turned out it was a huge pain trying to make. I hope I never get an order for a pink buttercream cake! If you just nick this cake you end up with pink on you which inevitably ends up on something white. I ended up going through two ribbons around the base of the cake plate because the first one managed to get pink on it somehow, never mind trying to roll out white fondant without tinting it pink! Lots of frustration with this one but I think the end result was worth it in the end. Very Cute :)


SweetThingsTO said...

Ahh yes - bright colours always end up somewhere! The worst is when a small speck is on a dishtowel and you wash it with whites...

Beautiful cake!

Frostedbetty said...

Thank you :) I would just nick my pinky nail on it and then lightly brush the cake base so frustrating.

veggievixen said...

it's so pink!!